Unity Tutorial 06

Hi all, Just here to talk about my weekly unity tutorials that I'm doing. I really enjoy doing them, I find that I learn a lot from these tutorials like they're is little shortcuts on unity that are quite handy to know. For this weeks tutorial it's all about making a small game, a platform game I think it's called. The first thing I had to do was create a new folder for the prototype 3. It asks you to change the background to either a town or nature, I went for the nature background with the farmer character. I think I messed up the code somewhere because my player/character when you put the game into play mode the player/character just jumps into the air but flips over on his head, if that even makes sense to anyone..haha. But other than that everything else seemed to good and working, I got the background to repeat and it looks good. The only thing is that I cant see if the trigger 'Game Over' because my player is not working, so that is the only thing I...