Growth Mindset

Hello there,

I have never heard of Carol Dweck and mindset growth before. I learnt about it through some Ted talk videos I was watching.
i I was a student who only wanted to achieve the small goals and doing the littlest amount of work. Only when it came to school I was quite lazy but in my younger years and late teens I loved playing football even tho I wasn't the best at it I did always try my best by showing up ti all training sessions without fail.
I have learnt that I am better when my work is being reviewed every week and it counts towards my final grade at the end of the year. My biggest challenge is that i'm not someone who cant be told what to do, I'm more of a visual leaner.

just here to talk about a TED Talk from Carol Dweck. The short ten minute click from her "The Power of Believing That You Can Improve"talk and to be honest I found it very good to watch. I liked the her theories on that children are only taught by their parents to only go for the simple goal ("going for that next A"like Carol says in the clip)rather to work harder to get an even bigger achievement out of it. 

On the second video I watched on Carol I completely agree with her saying that parents nowadays and teachers are telling children to feel good when a challenge was really easy. I think kids now are expect high reward from the smallest tasks and i believe thats down to parents and teachers. I'm not saying it didn't happen to me when I was growing up (because it did).


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