Week 9 Reading and writing

Hey All,
Just here to talk about the last 9 weeks of doing these readings, I just want ti say that I think my reading and writing skills have improved a bit. I don't until the last 9 weeks that I haven't read since the leaving cert and even then I hated it. But now I don't mind taking an hour out of my day to read a few things that could be useful towards my game in the end. In some of the blogs we had to read things about the thought process of even making a board game, with the likes of the rules, what components are in the game and  how many players are in the game.

 I think when thinking back on the blogs my favourite one was the growth mindset one. I thought the ted talk videos were very interesting and made a lot of sense. The way the Doctor was saying the kids in this generation are looking for high award for the little tasks, she says that this can effect your overall ambition in life so like you might not be aiming high enough for your life goals. This can all come down to how parents and teachers reward their kids.

I don't think my my game is going quite well and thats all down to me not putting in enough effort on it. I do think the tutorials that are given to us by Jimmy Vegas are very useful and helps out a big deal. He starts out with all the basics and explains it very well and makes it seem quite easy.

I chose this image from a past blog because I thought it was funny. I find it funny because that is literally me at the moment (apart from the drinking bit) I feel because its getting the end of the semester that everything is starting to pile up on us all at once. Like I am stress but i feel like i should be way more stressed if that even makes any sense.

I am looking forward to seeing how my game comes out in the end, I know it won't be perfect but it will my game that I have made. I am looking forward to advancing my game making skills for future projects and maybe for future jobs. I want to be able to know what I have to do on my own and not have to look at any tutorials but that only comes from practice that I do in my own time. I would like to see if my writing from these blogs have changed much from when i started 9 weeks ago and the ones from now.
Anyway this has been just thoughts on the last 9 weeks and what i liked and didn't like and how I'm feeling at the moment, Yeah I know kinda boring.


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