Games GDD

Hey There, Just here to talk about my about my weekly reading that I have to do. The writer first starts off by saying that he really enjoys games with their physical presentations. He said that a player is more than likely to enjoy a game if there is mote thought is put into the design of the box, rules and all the components of the game. I totally agree with this statement because you are more than likely to buy a game if the design looks good. The writer then moves on to talk about the components of the game, The writer goes on to say this about the components, he says that you should make the tiles smaller than the space they're placed upon, use highly contrasting colours for the player pieces and use shapes as well as colour to identify the pieces. For the box he says to put the name of the game on the side of the box. Also make sure any back to back photo shows a legal game position, this is important thing to do. The last thing is to print opposite sides of the box hori...